My guest on this episode of the Grey Ave Podcast is Corinna Metzeger from Germany.
Corinna is an incredible character, who have been traveling the world for 14 months after a break up and quitting her job as a traveling in the Beverage development industry.She travelled the world to discover our wonderful planet of earth.
She likes the Idea to share the daily life in different countries, beautiful, funny and crazy moments as well as sad ones sometimes and of course to share travel stories and memories.She visited countries like,Argentina, Mexico , Chile, Portugal,Spain, Italy, China, Australia, Cambodia and to mention the few.
Here are some of the topics we cover in this episode:
-Couch Surfing
-Work/life balance.
-The save it all for retirement delusion.
There are many stories, takeaways and recommendations in this episode that can benefit your life.
Corinna’s blog